Get to Know Me

Nice to meet you!

I have served for over 10 years in children's ministry and am also trained as a spiritual director for children. I love to help kids engage with God in playful, childlike ways. I enjoy combining my knowledge of practical ministry and children's spirituality to help parents and ministry leaders engage children as full participants in the church in innovative ways. As a mom of five, I understand the joys and challenges of raising children and love to help parents & kids notice the ways God is already at work in their family's life together.

I currently serve as the Pastor for Children’s Formation at All Saints Anglican Church. I also work as the Resource Director at the Center for Faith and Children at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where I co-host the podcast "The Child in Our Midst," which explores the unique perspective of children in their faith journeys. I am the author of The Gospel Story Hymnal and have written children’s ministry curriculum, family discipleship resources, and various print and blog articles. I also speak at conferences including The EFCA Children’s Ministry Network Gathering, The Children’s Pastors Conference, and The Calvin Symposium on Christian Worship.

In my free time, I enjoy watercolor painting, writing, and roller skating. I also love going to concerts and convincing my kids to take nature hikes with me.